This year for the Holidays, I gave myself the gift of surgery. If you were to ask me what the surgery was, I could give you a vague answer, but here is the actually list of what I had done:
Right thumb CMC joint arthroplasty
Right FCR tendon transfer to stabilize the thumb CMC joint
Radical tenosynovectomy right second/third dorsal extensor compartments
Right wrist dorsal capsulodesis
Denervation of right wrist by neurectomy of the terminal branch of the posterior interosseous nerve
Carpectomy right pisiform
Neurolysis right median nerve above the elbow
Tenotomy right pronator teres muscle
Neurolysis right radial nerve in the forearm
Tenotomy right common extensor fascia

What does all of that mean??
Great question! Here are the findings from the surgery:
Contracture Pronator
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
Tendinosis Common Extensor
Gross instability of Carpal, Pisiform, & Basilar
Extensive tenosynovial fibrosis at the intersection of the second and third dorsal extensor compartments
Large amount of rubbery, gray, hypertrophic synovium
Dorsal wrist ganglion
Still confused?
Honestly, me too! Here's what I understand without all of the medical jargon.
My hand/thumb pain was caused by instability of multiple joints and a trapped nerve.
My thumb was not attached internally
My doctor harvested one of my tendons and created ligaments to help stabilize the joints.
The trapped nerve was released to give my fingers their strength back

The Surgery:
2.5 hours
General anesthesia
7 incisions
I actually woke up with basically no pain. My doctor injected Toradol which wears off at around 24 hours. As I'm writing this, it is day three post-op and I feel pretty good; no pain meds today, less pain, and easier sleep!
Compared to my shoulder surgery, this surgery has been much smoother. There has been significantly less pain, it's an easier location to be still, and I can shower any time I want as long as it's covered!
If all continues to go well, I will have the same surgery done to my left side. The overall goal is that if I chip away at all of my individual problems in my body, in the end I will feel a whole lot better. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼
Be Brave. Stay Kind. Much Love.